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A marketing coaching program is a way to get professional guidance that you can use to increase your business’s success. It’s essentially like hiring a consultant or coach, but at a fraction of the price. You get personalized help with marketing and business growth from an experienced pro, without having to pay thousands of dollars or travel across the country for an hour-long meeting each month.

What Is a Marketing Coaching Program?

A marketing coaching program is a series of meetings with a professional coach who will help you develop your business and marketing plan. During these meetings, you will learn how to create an effective marketing strategy that generates new clients for your business.

The benefits of this type of program include:

  • Helping you create a clear vision for your business
  • Identifying what differentiates you from other businesses in your industry
  • Creating a step-by-step plan for reaching out to potential customers online or offline (depending on what works best for them)

Marketing Coaching Program Features

This is a comprehensive program that will help you to:

  • Create a personalized marketing plan.
  • Develop a strategy for implementing your marketing activities.
  • Create an actionable and measurable marketing plan, including goals, objectives and tactics.
  • Create a calendar of events to implement your plan (monthly or quarterly).

How The Marketing Coaching Program Works

You will be assigned a coach, who will guide you through the process. A schedule will be created based on your goals and needs, which can include:

  • Weekly check-ins with your coach
  • Weekly tasks to complete (this could be anything from writing blog posts or creating social media content)
  • Monthly planning meetings where we discuss progress and make adjustments if needed

Marketing Coaching Program Cost and Payment Options

To get started, we will need to know the following:

  • What your goals are and how you plan to achieve them (e.g., “I want to earn $5k/month in revenue within 6 months”).
  • The type of business you’re running (e.g., personal brand or service-based).
  • How much time you can dedicate to working with me on this project (e.g., 1 hour per week).

Once I have all of this information from you, I’ll be able to determine which package is best suited for your needs!

A Personalized Marketing Coaching Program

A personalized marketing coaching program can help you get more customers, increase your sales and grow your business. You get a coach to help with your marketing, business goals and strategy. Your coach will also help with business development so that you have the tools needed to build a strong foundation for growth in the future.


If you’re looking for a way to boost your business and make it more profitable, consider signing up for a marketing coaching program. These services are designed to give you personalized advice on how to improve your marketing strategy from social media marketing tips that will get more people interested in what you have to offer, all the way down to helping hone in on what products or services would be best suited by targeting certain audiences based on their interests or needs.